Ecommerce Club Question Time // Growing Your Business in 2023

This FREE monthly event is run by the Ecommerce Club and will be helpful for any Ecommerce Business that is looking for answers around growing your ecommerce business in 2023. Online trading businesses meet up every month at the Ecommerce Club where you have the chance to pick up on recent news, opportunities and the latest developments in Ecommerce. Our popular "Question Time" format provides a great way for Ecommerce Businesses to get helpful expert advice from our panel of hands-on practitioners who live and breathe the subject.

Our Resident Ecommerce Professional Panel:

For 2023, our focus will be Ecommerce Growth. Examples of topics and related questions we expect to cover include:

  • Best Technology Stacks for Growth
  • Effective Ecommerce Marketing in 2023
  • Developing Growth Strategies
  • Improving Ecommerce Profitability & Revenue
  • Marketplace Strategies
  • Tracking and the Death of 3rd Party Cookies
  • Using First Party Data to Boost Profitability
  • How to use Automation to Reduce Costs
  • Optimising your Ecommerce Team

Who Should Attend:

  • Ecommerce Managers
  • Hands-on Ecommerce Business Owners and Investors
  • Ecommerce team executives
  • Small and start-up online traders looking to network
  • Service specialists looking for partner businesses

Event Protocols

  • Neither panel members nor audience participants should use the event for their own marketing or selling. The Ecommerce Club offers best independent business practices and promotes supplier agnostic advice and guidance.
  • For the sake of everyone's bandwidth, once the event starts, all members of the audience are requested to mute microphones and turn off cameras.
  • Google Meet includes a chat function where participants can post helpful information, comments or suggestions during the event.
  • The event hosts will select questions from the audience who will be invited to turn on their microphones and cameras to ask questions to the panel.
  • Other than for special one-off events (e.g. events are not recorded.

The Event

A total of 39 people attended. After each panel member had offered their three top tips, questions revolved around businesses having a focus on profit (rather than revenue) along with approaches to automation. The topic of how to help business owners and top executives better understand how ecommerce needs to work was also a topic of interest:

The Ecommerce Club

The Ecommerce Club has operated for 12 years. Although it's primary audience lies within Scotland, we regularly have guests and visitors from other parts of the UK and overseas. For more information about the Ecommerce Club, visit where you can register for this and future events.

Events take place on the first Tuesday of every month between 9:30 and 10:30. Events start promptly so please join a few minutes before hand. People often stay on after the event to chat and find out more about other members of the audience.

Sign-up to receive information on upcoming events HERE:

Date & Time

Tuesday 7th February 2023 09:30 to 10:30


Remote via "Google Meet"

Event Host

Ann-Maree Morrison MBE
Ecommerce Club
Dr. Peter Mowforth

* Header Photo by Daniel K Cheung on Unsplash

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Dr. John McSloy presenting 11 days of a 12 day course Ecommerce Course (2020) at the Strathclyde Business School, University of Strathclyde.

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13th March 2025 • Glasgow Science Centre

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