How Ecommerce Platforms Affect Success (3 of 3)

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What does this webinar cover?

This is event is run along with the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce. This is part 3 of a 3 part Ecommerce webinar series on How do you Double Ecommerce Sales?

The final webinar covers:

  • Why your business type affects your choice of platform
  • Why choosing the wrong platform will restrict growth
  • The importance of a skilled Ecommerce manager
  • People vs machines ... why automation, productivity and profit are essential for successful Ecommerce businesses

The webinar will be 45 mins followed by 15 mins of Q&A’s.

Who's it for?

This is open to "UK" Ecommerce managers, marketers, those who have attended INDEZ webinars previously and INDEZ partner agencies. This is not open to other web design or development companies.

Request Access to Slides

Please email for access to the slides from this event.

Date & Time

10:00 to 11:00, Feb 23, 2021


Remote via "Zoom"

Event Host

Dr. John McSloy
Dr. Peter Mowforth

Work with a team that truly understands Ecommerce Growth

We've a proven track record with Ecommerce revenue growing (across clients) by +84% (2023), +64% (2022), +109% (2021), +120% (2020), +73% (2019) and +75% (2018). Our Ecommerce clients generate over £100m in online sales.

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Dr. John McSloy presenting 11 days of a 12 day course Ecommerce Course (2020) at the Strathclyde Business School, University of Strathclyde.

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Unlocking Scotland's Ecommerce Potential

13th March 2025 • Glasgow Science Centre

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