Multi-Million Turnover Ecommerce

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What will this FREE webinar cover?

We've worked with hundreds of mostly-Scottish businesses that sell products online. Some grow rapidly while others fail. Here we have grouped together the most common reasons that differentiate the winners from the losers. On the basis of real case-studies we will show how and why local businesses have prospered or flounded on the basis of management decisions and technology adoption combined with good implementation, planning and strategy.

The webinar will be 45 mins followed by 15 mins of Q&A’s.

Who's it for?

This is open to UK based:

  • Business owners and investors
  • Directors and Executive Managers
  • Decision makers and budget holders involved in B2C retail, B2B Wholesale as well as Direct to Consumer brands.

Request Access to Slides

Please email (from your work email address) for access to the slides from this event.

Date & Time

14:00 to 15:00, Thursday 18th November, 2021


Remote via "Google Meet"

Event Host

Dr. Peter Mowforth

Work with a team that truly understands Ecommerce Growth

We've a proven track record with Ecommerce revenue growing (across clients) by +84% (2023), +64% (2022), +109% (2021), +120% (2020), +73% (2019) and +75% (2018). Our Ecommerce clients generate over £100m in online sales.

View Our Services >
Dr. John McSloy presenting 11 days of a 12 day course Ecommerce Course (2020) at the Strathclyde Business School, University of Strathclyde.

Ready to Grow your Business?

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Unlocking Scotland's Ecommerce Potential

13th March 2025 • Glasgow Science Centre

Ecommerce Scotland Conference »